Right click on the green Traits title bar to add one or more traits.Right click on the age progress bar to add/subtract the number of days that have passed at the current age stage.Right click on a spellcaster curse to remove it.Right click on the Power point/Talent point counter for vampires/spellcasters to set it.Right click on the vampire/spellcaster XP progress bar to select a rank.Right click on a needs bar to set value (from -100 to 100).Left click on a needs bar to set its value to the position you clicked.This mod enables the UI cheats extension and allows you to use various cheats by directly clicking on the user interface, as opposed to typing a command. See a complete list of changelog from 2015 to 2021 here. Added a confirmation dialog when cheating hunger to -100 with the left click needs cheat.Fixed the relationship cheat displaying incorrect current relationship values for Cottage Living animals.Fixed Interior Decorator gigs not completing after cheating the last task.Fixed the career objective cheat not working for prep tasks.Fixed the perk/reward unlocking cheat not working for the reward store and owned businesses.Fixed the Skills panel sometimes taking a long time to update after using a skill cheat.Updated the reward store, perk purchase panel, spellbook, sim profile, achievement browser, and NAP voting panel to automatically refresh or reopen itself after a cheat has been used.Updated the career cheat with a new option to set the overmax level.Added a new Household Collection object spawn cheat.

Added a new spellcaster curse removal cheat.Fixed the event goal cheat not working.